Seals, sea lions and walruses live both on land and in the sea. When on dry land or on ice, they are very clumsy in their movements. But in the water they swim gracefully. They all leave the water for land or ice fields to give birth to their young.
The dolphins and the sea cows are sea mammals. Dolphins and porpoise look alike but usually the dolphins are larger. These animals are mainly fish eaters.
Experiments show that dolphins are intelligent and can communicate with each other. They can be trained to perform various kinds of tricks and acts.
The highly intelligent killer whale belongs to the dolphin family. Despite of its scary name, it has never been heard to attack human.
Contoh report text “Seals”
9 komentar:
Aku bingung nniiih
Report itu hmpir sma ya kaya Descriptive ??
makasih ya kak ats repor udh copy report text kakak,report text kakak bagus2 aq gag bisa bikin report text makanya aq copy report text kakak...skali lagi makasih ya kak......
ini semua seperti hasil repost..
mana niru mode kaskus lagi ..
thanks yah, berguna banget :)
Dear Ardianz,
Please tell me, what's the differences between Descriptive Text and Report ?
I'd like to try give my opinion for Rindu's question. You will know the different between Descriptive and Report text from the Communicative purposes of the texts.
Brarti, report sama descriptive text hampir sama yah????!!
report tuch menjelaskann text secara umum sedangkan descriptive menjelaskan secara khusus.... contohx tema SMP (report) but tema SMP 1 banyuwangi (Descriptive)
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